
Melilla is a corner of Spain in North Africa, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Autonomous city rich in magnificent art deco buildings, it is the Spanish city with more modernist buildings after Barcelona and lively tapas bars. Its multicultural and cross-border appeal is irresistible.


The Smart Way follows an urban path that leads to the discovery of the double soul of the city: the old area and new one, both worthy of being visited to grasp the true essence of this location. The route starts from Plaza de España, the beating heart of the new city, and then heads towards one of the most beautiful modernist buildings in Melilla: The Palacio de la Asamblea, the Town Hall.


From the new city, you reach the Old Town Fortress (also called El Pueblo), a complex stronghold on several levels built by the Spanish population between the 16th and 17th centuries and recently restored, from the top of which you can enjoy splendid views of the Mediterranean Sea.